Winter Feet!

Here we are deep into the winter season and we are all struggling with Winter Feet!

The reason why winter is so harsh on our feet is because of the elements inside of winter itself. We have cold conditions, and if we are not wearing boots, our feet may be wet during the winter. Then we have the dry heat inside our houses that are drying and cracking our heels and toes. Then we are wearing socks every day, so like soldiers in their military boots, we have the risk of athlete’s foot.

So many possible issues and were are here to help you take care of a very important part of your body. You need your feet to hold all the weight of your body and walk.

1) Make sure to keep your feet dry and clean. Wearing boots and thick socks may keep your feet warm and toasty in the winter, but it can also cause them to sweat a lot. Damp feet get cold more easily and are prone to bacterial infections. Keep your feet clean and dry by putting foot powder in your socks, treating yourself to footbaths throughout the winter, and drying your feet thoroughly after each footbath.

2) Wear cotton and wool socks. When choosing socks for the wintertime, go with natural fabrics like cotton and wool instead of synthetic blends. Wool wicks moisture away from the skin and keeps your feet dry. On the other hand, socks made of synthetic materials can cause your feet to get sweaty and smelly. Excess moisture can also cause the skin to cool down more quickly and potentially lead to frostbite.

3) Wash your feet daily! Wash your feet thoroughly every day with soap and water. Keeping your feet clean can prevent toenail fungus and other unpleasant problems. Make sure that your feet are completely dry before you put socks and shoes on again. Change your socks daily. It’s also a good idea to soak your feet in Epsom salt and warm water every once in a while to relieve discomfort and prevent infections.

4) Treat yourself to pedicures during the winter to file off unwanted dry and cracked skin. It is okay to splurge and treat yourself during the winter. Your feet will thank you for it!  9254125_l

So, whether you’re slogging through deep snow and sub-zero temperatures in the north, or contending with dampness, chill, and muddy conditions in the south, it’s important to take care of your feet all winter long.

Call us to set up your next pedicure appointment this winter and let’s make those feet a priority!

~AJ Retreat

Dry Skin Dilema

It is winter and that means the dreaded “Dry Skin.” Do you feel it? Do you have it?

There is no single cause of dry skin. Dry skin causes can be classified as external and internal. External factors include cold temperatures and low humidity, especially during the winter when central heaters are used. Internal factors include overall health, age, genetics, family history, and a personal history of other medical conditions.
External factors that cause dry skin include:

– over-washing with harsh soaps,
– overuse of sanitizers and cleaning agents (alcohol),
– cold temperature,
– low humidity.


As you can see by this diagram, oily and dry skin look very different. Dry skin is very prone to wrinkles yet oily skin is more prone to blemishes and pimples.

Dry skin has very fine pores while oily skin has very large pores. Both types have pros and cons, but trying to get your skin to a balanced state is more appealing.

During the cold winter weather, turning up the thermostat doesn’t help, either. Indoor heating strips even more moisture from the air — and your skin. We also love hot showers in the winter to warm up. Standing under that hot spray long enough to warm up though, is also a no-no. The longer you linger in the shower, the more you dry out your skin.

Also, don’t put just any bar of soap into your shower dish — they’re not all the same. Wash with a harsh soap and you’ll send your skin’s natural moisture barrier straight down the drain.

What kind of lotion should you use? Rub on a rich cream containing ingredients such as soothing ceramide for sensitive skin, or urea, lactic acid, dimethicone, or petroleum jelly (petrolatum) for very dry skin. And make sure you do not use the same lotion on your body as on your face.


We recommend Codi lotion for hands and body. Please come and check it out in our shop.

This is the best hand and body lotion! Unique delicate fragrance that absorbs quickly into your skin leaving it so moist and supple. Even better, it is non greasy so you can dress immediately after bathing or showering! Everyone using it has had great reviews about this product.

We hope that you have success in keeping your skin hydrated and balanced this harsh winter season!

~Agnes & Joanna

AJ Retreat 555 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL 60093 (847) 784-0077

The Benefits of Aloe

We have all heard it before, Aloe is like a wonder potion. Well, in fact it is true!

People drink aloe, people lather up in aloe, people use it in the sun, in the shade, and everyday. Here is the reason why aloe is so powerful, and we should keep doing what we are doing with it!

According to the website, “Topical aloe appears to inhibit infection and promote healing of minor burns and wounds, frostbite, as well as in skin affected by diseases such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis, although studies have had conflicting results.”

The plant has been shown in studies to help heal minor wounds eight days faster than standard dressing, not to mention it’s an antibacterial and contains vitamins and minerals that can ease eczema and psoriasis flare-ups. But creative and enterprising beauty experts are using it for a lot more than the occasional cut or rash; they’re using it to get gorgeous, too.

Every time we have used aloe after a sunburn, think about how soothing it has been on that burn? That shows us the great affects of aloe. Carrying a bottle on vacation is a smart thing to do!

Aloe Vera contains over 200 active components including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharide, and fatty acids – no wonder it’s used for such a wide range of remedies! The bulk of the aloe vera leaf is filled with a clear gel-like substance, which is approximately 99% water. Humans have used aloe therapeutically for over 5000 years – now that’s a long-standing track record!

Aloe Juice has many benefits if you drink it! It detoxifies your system, it supports your immune system, it lowers your cholesterol and blood sugar, it supports digestion, it helps with hair growth, and boosts your vitamin & mineral intake.

These juices can be found at your local vitamin store and even WalMart!

We love for you to check out our website at: to see how we use natural practices to enhance natural beauty.

AJ Retreat 555 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka, IL 60093 (847) 784-0077