Winter Feet!

Here we are deep into the winter season and we are all struggling with Winter Feet!

The reason why winter is so harsh on our feet is because of the elements inside of winter itself. We have cold conditions, and if we are not wearing boots, our feet may be wet during the winter. Then we have the dry heat inside our houses that are drying and cracking our heels and toes. Then we are wearing socks every day, so like soldiers in their military boots, we have the risk of athlete’s foot.

So many possible issues and were are here to help you take care of a very important part of your body. You need your feet to hold all the weight of your body and walk.

1) Make sure to keep your feet dry and clean. Wearing boots and thick socks may keep your feet warm and toasty in the winter, but it can also cause them to sweat a lot. Damp feet get cold more easily and are prone to bacterial infections. Keep your feet clean and dry by putting foot powder in your socks, treating yourself to footbaths throughout the winter, and drying your feet thoroughly after each footbath.

2) Wear cotton and wool socks. When choosing socks for the wintertime, go with natural fabrics like cotton and wool instead of synthetic blends. Wool wicks moisture away from the skin and keeps your feet dry. On the other hand, socks made of synthetic materials can cause your feet to get sweaty and smelly. Excess moisture can also cause the skin to cool down more quickly and potentially lead to frostbite.

3) Wash your feet daily! Wash your feet thoroughly every day with soap and water. Keeping your feet clean can prevent toenail fungus and other unpleasant problems. Make sure that your feet are completely dry before you put socks and shoes on again. Change your socks daily. It’s also a good idea to soak your feet in Epsom salt and warm water every once in a while to relieve discomfort and prevent infections.

4) Treat yourself to pedicures during the winter to file off unwanted dry and cracked skin. It is okay to splurge and treat yourself during the winter. Your feet will thank you for it!  9254125_l

So, whether you’re slogging through deep snow and sub-zero temperatures in the north, or contending with dampness, chill, and muddy conditions in the south, it’s important to take care of your feet all winter long.

Call us to set up your next pedicure appointment this winter and let’s make those feet a priority!

~AJ Retreat

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